Additional file 1: HT-SELEX data of DeepBind

The data used for training our generator model and the HT-SELEX data used for comparing with other methods. The size of the compressed file is about 1.8GB.

Additional file 2: Nucleic acid sequences of three types

Nucleic acid sequences generated by our model, AptaSim, and random generator for four proteins (DRGX, GCM1, OLIG1 and RXRB).

Additional file 3: Nucleic acid sequences generated by our model for three proteins

Nucleic acid sequences and their binding specificity to target proteins (NFATC1, NFKB1 and MBNL1), constructed by our model.

Additional file 4: Known aptamers binding to three proteins

An aptamer binding to NFATC1, two aptamers binding to NFKB1, and two aptamers binding to MBNL1.


Additional file 5: NFATC1-binding motifs and NFKB1-binding motifs found in the DNA sequences generated by other methods

NFATC1-binding motifs and NFKB1-binding motifs found in the DNA sequences generated by AptaSim and by a set of programs in AptaSuite.